Thursday, April 10, 2014

How to get a loan online with less hassle

Oh? How did you get here? Are you a fan? haha.. kidding! Of course, you search for an answer to your question. You must be one of those millions of people who want to know how to get a loan without any hassle. You can be one of the following:

You have a job but your salary is not enough.

You are a business man but can't start your own company/business for you don't have a budget yet.

You aim to own a house and/or a car but you are financially deceased.

You want to get a much stable work by going back to school but money hinders you.

Does your answer to one of the above statement says "YES"? We are on the same page then.

The safest way to get a loan is to go directly (door-to-door) to your lender. Make some agreements. Have some paper works. Then congratulations, you get a loan... ops! some do not get one.. After searching for a lender (which of course consume so much time); Going back and forth for your loan, most leaves empty handed. YOU can be one of them.

But are you aware that there is a company gives you a loan in a much easier way? They call themselves as LoanSolutions.PH! They are the biggest partner of big lending companies in the whole Philippines. The name of the company says it all. Yes, you read it right. I found a solution to your problem.


1. Go and sign up in Loan Solutions.

2. Provide your CORRECT information. (I give an intense caps to the word correct because your information is important).

3. Your profile information will be fed into the lenders' dashboard.

4. The lender has the option to claim you or not. (but let me tell you, 97% of applicants are claimed and successfully lend).

5. After the lender claimed your profile, the system will automatically sends signal to the awesome people working in loan solutions.

6. Somebody will call you and confirm the procedure you are currently doing depending on the lender.

7. .. and tadaaa.. you got your money!

Isn't it simple? You don't have to look for your lenders because they already prepared everything for you.

How to get a loan without a job or a credit card?

A friend of mine came to me and ask me this question. Isn't it interesting to know if you can get a loan when you are jobless? A lot of people might think how will they get a loan without a job.
The most difficult situation you are in is being unwaged. If you're jobless, it will be very difficult to supply the need of your family especially in terms of food putting into account that it would be very difficult to feed yourself alone!
Is there a way for you to get a loan? Is there a place for you to run for a help? Can you get a loan when you're unwaged?

Unfortunately, there is no way you can go to a trusted lender if you are jobless. the only way you can do loan is when you loan to a relative or a family friend.

Have questions unanswered? They have a chat agent and you can use their contact page. Happy financing! =)

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

How to Install Dota2 in your computer

Are you one of those who wants to let go the old Dota and upgrade to the later version which is Dota2? You keep on looking on your seatmate's monitor but you don't know how to get started. I use to be like you. =)

First of all, you need to install steam in your computer to have Dota2. In installing steam, go to the steam website .

1. Download Steam

2. Run to start the installation

3. Go through the installation wizard, which will include a license agreement, a connection speed setting, a language selection window, and a destination folder selection
Wait for a couple of minutes for your steam to be completely installed in your computer. Once you have your steam installed, proceed to creating an account. Signing up process in steam is completely the same with the other websites. Once done, you are good to go! ☺

You can now proceed in installing Dota2...

1. Search Dota2 in the search bar.

2. Click on install button.

Wait a couple of minutes while steam is downloading files for Dota2. Installing Dota2 is a bit longer compared to installing steam because it contains more files and they're heavier. Wait for about 1 to 3 hours for you to completely installed Dota2. Time of waiting may depends on how fast your internet connection is. 

Enjoy playing.. =)

Friday, April 4, 2014

How to install Laravel Framework

Are you a PHP web developer and interested in using laravel framework? You go to the laravel website - - but don't understand what he is talking about?

No worries, you are not alone.

I am interested in using laravel framework as well. I went to the website and I read ... and read  .... and read ... then leave. I do not understand the whole process. I am using windows 7 OS in case you want to know. =)

Here's what I did:

1. First, make sure you have PHP 5.3.7 version or greater. This is one of the main requirements so you can install Laravel.

3. Extract Laravel into the htdocs folder for XAMPP or www for WAMP

4. Download Composer from:

5. Enable openssl from all php.ini files. In case you can't locate your php.ini file, open folder where your XAMPP or WAMP is located. use the search bar and type "php.ini" without quote.

6. Install Composer into the same directory php.exe is located. PHP.exe in my end is located in /../XAMPP/PHP/php.exe

7. Now, using your command prompt, go to the folder where you put your extracted laravel folder. (Refer to number 3)

8. AFter that, type in command - composer install

9. Now you can install Laravel by issuing the following command from your terminal:
composer create-project laravel/laravel your-project-name --prefer-dist

Wait a couple of minutes... Patience is a virtue. hehehe... and you're set. You may now go to and follow the instructions under "Via Composer". 

I hope it helps =)

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